Archive:April 15, 2013

Welcome to the 22nd Edition of K&L Gates’ Arbitration World

Welcome to the 22nd Edition of K&L Gates’ Arbitration World

Welcome to the 22nd edition of Arbitration World, a publication from K&L Gates’ International Arbitration Group that highlights significant developments and issues in international and domestic arbitration for executives and in-house counsel with responsibility for dispute resolution.

To view Arbitration World in our new online magazine format, click here.

To download a printable PDF of the publication, open the link above and click on the far right icon in the magazine toolbar at the top of the page.

We are delighted to be able to include in this edition a guest contribution from Rubini Ventouras, Group Executive Legal Affairs, Asia Pacific, of Newmont Mining Corporation.  In her article, Rubini offers her perspectives on the challenges associated with the management of disputes in multiple, widely varying jurisdictions and explains why arbitration remains her preferred process for the resolution of international commercial disputes.

We are also pleased to welcome a contribution from James Blick, Director at TheJudge Limited, a leading broker of litigation and arbitration funding and after-the-event insurance.  In his article, James offers some practical tips and insights on how to get the best deal when negotiating with potential third-party sources of funding for arbitration.

This edition also includes our usual update on developments from around the globe in both international commercial arbitration and investment treaty arbitration, along with specific articles covering some of those developments and other topics of interest in more detail, authored by members of K&L Gates’ International Arbitration Group.  This edition includes a contribution from our new colleagues in Melbourne, Australia (following the combination of K&L Gates LLP with Middletons, effective 1 January 2013) describing a recent constitutional challenge to the international arbitration regime in Australia.

We hope you find this edition of Arbitration World of interest, and we welcome any feedback (email or

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