Archive:July 2006

K&LNG’s Arbitration World, Summer 2006

K&LNG’s Arbitration World, Summer 2006

By Ian Meredith, Linda A. Kent, Peter R. Morton, Kelly D. Talcott, Matthew E. Smith, Clare Tanner, Sarah A. Munro.

Arbitration World, a publication of Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Nicholson Graham, highlights the significant developments and issues in international arbitration that matter to in-house counsel and company executives with responsibility for dispute resolution.

Welcome to the second edition of “Arbitration World,” a publication from Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Nicholson Graham LLP’s Arbitration Group.  “Arbitration World” aims to highlight significant developments and issues in international arbitration that matter to in-house counsel and company executives with responsibility for dispute resolution.

In this significantly expanded edition:

  • We look back at our International Arbitration Seminar held at Claridge’s, London in March this year and look forward to our forthcoming International Arbitration Webinar programme in the Autumn;
  • We examine some practical considerations in relation to arbitration clauses in insurance contracts, consider the issue of whether an arbitrator has authority to grant rescission of the contract as a remedy in arbitration and offer some thoughts on ways to deal with the tricky area of arbitration of multiparty disputes with particular reference to the construction sector;

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